Does Chip "do" appearances at conventions and comic shops?

He used to! They were great! You really should have been there!

He no longer does them now. Sorry!

Does Chip do commissions?

Sadly, no. Work is too crazy and any drawing he does has to be on his “hit” comic PUBLIC DOMAIN by law. If he's at a show, however, he usually does head sketches for people because the human body is still a mystery to him.

Can Chip review my portfolio?

Wow. Have you SEEN Chip’s “art?” He’s in no position to review portfolios, trust me.

Does Chip have a newsletter?


Uh, what is it?

Sorry, sorry. It’s “IT’S CHIP ZDARSKY’S NEWSLETTER, OKAY?” and it’s okay.




Updated list because comics “writer” Matthew Rosenberg gave me shit for not posting these here.
Go subscribe to my goddamn newsletter, MATTHEW!!!

EMERALD CITY COMIC CON (Seattle) — Feb 29-Mar 3
C2E2 (Chicago) — April 26-28